Haifley Bros Sportster Hardtails, Shovelhead Hardtails now Manufactured by Throttle Addiction
The original hardtail kits for Harley-Davidson Sportsters and Shovelheads have a new home. Throttle Addiction in Eau Claire, Wisconsin is picking up where the Haifley Brothers left off. Wanting to focus more on the hot rod side of their business, the Haifley Bros team looked for a new home for their custom motorcycle parts. Enter Throttle Addiction. With a catalog full of awesome chopper parts, loyal customers across the country, and a brand new fabrication facility in the midwest, it was match made in heaven. The small businesses struck a deal in 2019 that’s benefitting every would-be chopper daddy that dreams of slamming a hardtail on their Sporty or Shovelhead.
Still Made-In-America, still TIG welded, still the best way to give your Harley-Davidson that old-school hardtail look. Throttle Addiction is now the sole builder of the original, often imitated but never equalled, Deluxe Sportster Hardtail Kit and weld-on Shovelhead Hardtail Kit.In addition to the Haifley Bros hardtails, Throttle Addiction now manufactures Haifley Brothers Cobra and King and Queen seats for Sportsters as well.