Shovelhead Hardtail Instructions
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Step 1: Notice all preceuts before final cuts on the lines. This will make it easier for you. Cut long and trim.
Step 2: Extract trans spud from brace leaving the brace intact. Drill a 3/8" hole on each side lower for a rosette weld. Bevel the edges of the lower legs to allow proper penetration. Cut each side at 7 3/4".
Step 3: Carefully remove top legs from backbone not cutting into the backbone. Extract tubing from casting carefully. You will be reusing the casting. A barrel sander works well. You will then need to cut the casting in order for the hardtail to slide on.
Step 4: Photo shows the aftermath of proper extraction. A barrel sander will make this part a bit easier on you.
Step 5: You may need to use a clamp to get the top legs tight against the backbone. Pop the hardtail top tubes over the backbone. Use a clamp to allow proper alignment of lower slugs. Be sure to debur inside of lower legs. Once hardtail all lined up and clamped into place, weld out hardtail to your preference. Reweld in castings and sand to your liking. Line up lower legs and slide into place. Bolt on transmission plate to ensure proper alignment.
Step 6: Later frames will have the plating instead of castings. Carefully remove the plating to not damage the backbone or seat post area.
Step 7: If you do have the plating, you will need to finish off to your preference. This is an example of what we did.
Step 8: Weld and sand to preference.